WOLA: Advocacy for Human Rights in the Americas
6 Sep 2007 | News

Congresswoman Hilda Solis Pushes for Justice in Juarez

WOLA Press Release

September 6, 2007

Congresswoman Hilda Solis Pushes for Justice in the
Murders of women in Ciudad Juarez

In a speech before congress this Tuesday, Congresswoman Solis urged further action by the Mexican and U.S. governments to stop the murder, mutilation and rape of women in Ciudad Juarez.  While applauding the willingness of President Calderon to enforce laws that protect women from violence and address the ongoing murders, Congresswoman Solis expressed concern that many states in Mexico have yet to follow his lead on passing and enforcing such legislation. Reminding Congress that more than 400 women have been brutally murdered in Ciudad Juarez since 1993, the Congresswoman emphasized that “we still have not seen enough done,” referring to the rampant impunity that characterizes the majority of cases.    

Congresswoman Solis, along with 93 members of Congress recently sent a letter to President Calderon, asking him to encourage state and local law enforcement to renew their investigations of the Ciudad Juárez murders before the 14-year statute of limitations expires on additional cases.  “President Calderón needs to support the state of Chihuahua’s investigative efforts and take more actions to ensure that the perpetrators of these brutal crimes are brought to justice,” commented Maureen Meyer, WOLA Associate for Mexico and Central America.  

For a link to Congresswoman Solis’ speech on You Tube, click here.


Maureen Meyer, Associate for Mexico and Central America, 202-797-2171

Roger Atwood, Director of Communications, 202-797-2171


The Washington Office on Latin America is a non-governmental organization that promotes human rights, democracy, and social and economic justice in U.S. policy towards Latin America.

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