WOLA: Advocacy for Human Rights in the Americas
16 Oct 2007 | News

SIPAZ Hosts Delegation to Guerrero



The International Service for Peace (SIPAZ) invites coalition members and members of other grassroots organizations with interest in the problems of Mexico to participate in a delegation to the Mexican state of Guerrero on March 6-13th.  Traveling with SIPAZ to Guerrero offers  the opportunity to get to know Guerrero from the inside, the problems, local resistance processes, and the struggle of indigenous people for a life with justice and dignity.  Coalition members are then encouraged to follow up on the human rights situation upon their return.

Monitoring events in Guerrero and Oaxaca has become increasingly important now that the Zapatista uprising has brought national and international attention to the region.  This attention has led to a decrease in direct violence and has generated pressure on the Mexican government due to the political costs of state-sponsored repression and deaths. While Chiapas has received the majority of the attention, organizers, peasants and indigenous peoples in states like Guerrero have also suffered threats and abuse linked to increased militarization and state impunity. 

Participants will have the opportunity to  meet with the Human Rights Center of Tlachinollan, which is collaborating with SIPAZ in the preparation of the delegation, in addition to communities facing issues that threaten  indigenous rights to maintain their land and highly militarized areas of the state.  

In addition, SIPAZ is planning a SIPAZ team member visit to Chicago and the San Francisco Bay area to speak about what they are witnessing in Chiapas, Oaxaca, and Guerrero in February. 

 For more information or to obtain an application form for the delegation write to: info@sipaz.org

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