WOLA: Advocacy for Human Rights in the Americas
29 Jul 2010 | News

Recommendations for Sustainable Reconstruction of Haiti

Six months after the devastating earthquake, Haiti's reconstruction has been painfully and detrimentally slow.  Over 1.6 million people "live" in horrific conditions in the camps, where food and employment are scarce and women and children face the threat of sexual violence.  Despite the outpouring of support worldwide immediately after the earthquake, aid is slowly trickling in and not reaching the people in most need.  Sadly, mechanisms that would ensure the inclusion of Haitian civil society groups in the reconstruction process have not yet been created.  Their participation is vital in rebuilding a new and better Haiti.

The Haiti Advocacy Working Group (HAWG), of which WOLA is a leading member, produced the following documents in direct consultation with Haitian civil society groups.  They provide concrete recommendations on the key issues confronting reconstruction efforts in Haiti ranging from sustainable rural development, decentralization, elections to support for internally displace people. 

Donor Principles, the Haiti Reconstruction Fund, and Interim Haiti Recovery Commission

Gender Based Violence in Haiti

Sustainable Rural and Agricultural Development in Haiti

Deplorable Conditions in IDP Camps Continue

Decentralization: Haiti's Answer for Six Months and Sixty Years

Haiti's Diaspora Contributing Capacity-Building and Knowledge Transfer to Homeland

Focusing on the Children: Universal Education — A Renewal of Haiti's Education System

The International Community Should Support Prompt and Fair Elections in Haiti

Gender Impacts of International Financial Institution Grants & Loans

Health Challenges in Haiti

Immigration: Create a Haitian Family Reunification Parole Program to Increase Remittances to Haiti

The Three Principle Challenges Facing the Justice Sector in Haiti Following The Earthquake

Land Reclamation in Haiti

A Focus on Post Earthquake Shelter Issues

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