WOLA: Advocacy for Human Rights in the Americas
16 Nov 2010 | News

WOLA has never called for the restoration of police or military aid to Honduras

In her spoken testimony before the sub-committee on the Western Hemisphere for the House Foreign Affairs Committee, Senior Associate Vicki Gass urged the State Department to not release all aid to Honduras but gradually, based on significant progress in investigating all human rights violations and bringing those responsible to justice; that President Lobo must guarantee an independent Truth Commission with complete investigatory and prosecutorial power of those involved in the June 28, 2009 coup d'état; and, finally, to carry out a meaningful, decentralized national dialogue process that draws on the extensive experience of civil society organizations that have long worked on local development and civil society participation.  In response to a question from Chairman Engel on how to prevent future violence against the LGBT community, she said that if military and police aid is restored, to use it to strengthen the investigatory capacity of these institutions regarding human rights violations.  A transcript of the hearing can be found here:  http://www.hcfa.house.gov/111/55517.pdf

WOLA has never called for the restoration of police or military aid to Honduras.  We have called and continue to call for an end to all human rights violations, a marked reduction in poverty and inequality, and an end to corruption and impunity.  For more on WOLA's position on Honduras, see the following statement:  https://www.wola.org/news/wola_committed_to_human_rights_democracy_and_social_justice_in_honduras

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