WOLA: Advocacy for Human Rights in the Americas
23 Aug 2012 | News

Negotiations with Colombian GM Workers Have Begun, but a Resolution is Needed Immediately

Washington, D.C.—The Washington Office on Latin America (WOLA) and Witness for Peace welcome the beginning of negotiations toward a solution in the case of illegally fired GM workers in Colombia, but reiterate the urgent need for a solution agreed upon by both GM and the striking workers.

As members of ASOTRECOL begin their fourth week of a hunger strike today, reports indicate that work on an agreement for a negotiation mechanism is moving forward.

“This is a welcome sign as a solution to the workers’ demands is urgently needed,” said Gimena Sanchez of WOLA. “The workers’ health is beginning to falter and progress would be a welcome sign.”



Gimena Sanchez-Garzoli
Senior Associate for the Andes, WOLA

Jess Hunter-Bowman
Associate Director, Witness for Peace

Photo: Witness for Peace

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