Press Release
Washington, D.C.—The Due Process and Law Foundation (DPLF) and the Washington Office on Latin America (WOLA) call on the Honduran authorities to elect an independent and honorable National Commissioner for Human Rights, and to guarantee a transparent, participatory, and merit-based selection process.
In these upcoming weeks, a Special Multi-Party Committee set up by the Honduran Congress will evaluate the qualifications of 20 candidates to head the National Human Rights Commission (Comisionado para los Derechos Humanos, CONADEH). The Committee will nominate five candidates to be voted on by Congress.
To read the complete press release in Spanish, click here.
Mirte Postema
Senior Program Officer of the Judicial Independence Program
Tel: +1-202-462-7701
Adriana Beltrán
Senior Associate for Citizen Security
Tel: +1-202-797-2171