WOLA: Advocacy for Human Rights in the Americas
21 Jul 2017 | Press Release

The Extension of Iván Velásquez as CICIG Commissioner is a Key Opportunity to Continue the Fight against Corruption in Guatemala

Washington, DC—WOLA (the Washington Office on Latin America) applauds the United Nations’ decision to renew the contract of Iván Velásquez, head of the International Commission against Impunity in Guatemala (Comisión Internacional contra la Impunidad en Guatemala, CICIG) until September 2019.

“The extension of Commissioner Velásquez’s mandate represents an important opportunity to continue the historic fight against corruption and impunity, to consolidate the achievements made thus far, and to strengthen the rule of law and judicial independence in Guatemala,” said Adriana Beltrán, WOLA Senior Associate for Citizen Security.

Commissioner Velásquez’s leadership has been fundamental to combatting criminal networks in Guatemala. Working in collaboration with the Guatemalan Public Prosecutor’s Office, the CICIG has provided important investigative tools for the prosecution of organized crime, which the country previously lacked; has brought forth emblematic cases of corruption in high levels of public institutions; and has worked to dismantle powerful criminal structures deeply embedded in the state.

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