Washington, D.C.—In response to President Trump’s aggressive rhetoric and actions towards Mexico last week, including a series of tweets claiming the country is not doing enough to curb irregular migration, Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto met with his cabinet on Sunday to evaluate the U.S.-Mexico relationship. In the meeting, Peña Nieto ordered each of the country’s ministries to carry out an assessment of the cooperation mechanisms they share with the U.S. government.
Given these recent developments in the bilateral relationship, Maureen Meyer, Director for Mexico and Migrant Rights at the Washington Office on Latin America (WOLA), a leading research and advocacy organization advancing human rights in the hemisphere, issued the following statement today:
“President Trump’s aggressive rhetoric against Mexico was a signature part of his campaign and has only escalated since then. Divisive and wasteful proposals like the border wall or sending in the National Guard will only further alienate a country that should be one of the United States’ closest allies. The United States needs Mexico’s help and cooperation on issues like trade, migration, drug trafficking, and security. It’s in the mutual interests of both countries to work together on these areas, but President Trump’s bullying and divisive statements alienate a neighbor and ally whose trust the United States can’t afford to lose.”