The Center for Prevention, Treatment and Rehabilitation of Victims of Torture and their Families (CPTR) in Honduras recently released the following study of arbitrary detentions by Honduran police.
The following report entitled NGO Intermediary Report on Arbitrary Detentions in Police Stations and the Unconstitutionality of the "Law of Police and Social Affairs" by the Center for Prevention, Treatment and Rehabilitation of Victims of Torture and their Families (CPTR) in Honduras is a study of arbitrary detentions in police stations in Honduras and the unconstitutionality of the "Law of Police and Social Affairs." It analyzes the detentions themselves, the legality of the detentions, health conditions, and police abuse. The study is backed by qualitative data drawn from interviews with detainees and quantitative data compiled by the researchers, outlining the results of the stark absence of internal controls over police behavior around detentions.
Click here to read the full report (available in Spanish only).