WOLA: Advocacy for Human Rights in the Americas
25 Nov 2008 | | News

Continued Efforts Needed to Improve USAID’s Oversight of U.S. Democracy Assistance for Cuba, Says New GAO Report

This newly-released GAO report is a follow up to a 2006 report in which GAO found weaknesses in program oversight that increased the risk of grantees' improperly using grant funds and failing to comply with U.S. laws. In 2008, misuse of grant funds at organizations with the program's two largest grants was detected. In the newest report, GAO was asked to examine (1) actions that USAID has taken since 2006, or plans to take, to improve its award and oversight of the Cuba Program's grants and (2) actions that USAID has taken in response to the recently detected misuses of grant funds. GAO analyzed USAID and grantee records, conducted limited reviews at five grantees, and interviewed agency and grantee officials.

The GAO finds that since 2006, USAID has taken a number of steps to address identified problems with the Cuba Program's awards of democracy assistance and improve oversight of the assistance. However, the organization argues that USAID still lacks effective oversight of the U.S. Democracy Assistance for Cuba.

To read the full report click here .

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