On May 21, 2013, WOLA, the University of California Berkeley International Human Rights Law Clinic, the Center for Justice and International Law, the Open Society Justice Initiative, and the Open Society Foundations co-sponsored an event on the Ríos Montt genocide trial in Guatemala. The event took place just one day after Guatemala's Constitutional Court annulled the trial on a legal technicality; the two panels examined the prosecution of Guatemalan human rights cases in both the Inter-American System and Guatemala's national court. Please find below videos of each presentation.
PANEL ONE: Putting the State on Trial: Guatemala and the Inter-American Human Rights System
Introduction by Geoff Thale, Program Director, WOLA
Presenatation by Roxanna Altholz, Associate Director, International Human Rights Law Clinic, UC Berkeley School of Law
Presentation by Kate Doyle, Director of the Evidence Project, National Security Archive
Presentation by Viviana Krsticevic, Executive Director, Center for Justice and International Law
PANEL TWO: Prosecuting Human Rights Cases: The Ríos Montt Trial in Guatemala
Presentation by Marcie Mersky, Senior Staff, International Center for Transitional Justice
Presentation by Emi Maclean, Legal Officer, Open Society Justice Initiative
Presentation by Helen Mack, President, Myrna Mack Foundation
Presentation by Jo-Marie Burt, Senior Fellow, WOLA; Director of Latin American Studies, George Mason University