The Washington Office on Latin America (WOLA) would like to share the following links to recent documents written by WOLA or organizations we work with in Colombia on Afro-Colombian, indigenous and human rights issues.
- AFRODES and Global Rights: “Bicentennial: Nothing to Celebrate!” (Only in Spanish) October 28, 2010
- The National Indigenous Organization of Colombia (ONIC): “Sweet Words, Air of Life” October 25, 2010
Statements and Letters:
- Afro-Colombian Solidarity Network (ACSN) letter to Mr. Oscar Gamboa, Presidential Advisor on Afro-Colombian, Black, Palanquera, and Raizal Populations and the Direction for Ethnic Minorities, November 15, 2010
- NGO letter to President Juan Manuel Santos regarding the proposed victims and land laws, November 9, 2010
- ACSN: “Paramilitaries Threaten Afro-Colombians that Recently Advocated for Human Rights at the OAS and U.S. Congress” November 3, 2010
- Statement by National Afro-Colombian Organizations on the right to previous consultation and proposed laws (victims’ law and National Development Plan) by CNOA, AFRODES, CIMARRON, PCN, CEUNA and KAMBIRI, October 26, 2010.
- WOLA: “Colombian Paramilitaries Issue Death Threat to Human Rights Groups” October 18, 2010
- U.S. NGO and activist letter to President Giogia of Georgetown University, October 8, 2010
- WOLA: “Criminalizing the Construction of Peace in Colombia” September 29, 2010