A new Congress with a distinctly more conservative cast and a more confrontational tone has taken office. What does this mean for the Obama Administration’s Latin America policy in the next two years? On what issues will the Congress challenge the Administration? How will relations with Latin America be impacted? On March 7, 2011, Rep. James P. McGovern, who has followed Latin America issues since the early 1980s and who co-chairs both the Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission and the House Hunger Caucus, discussed the challenges in Latin America policy in the next two years. Geoff Thale, Program Director at WOLA, and Dr. William LeoGrande, a respected Latin America scholar and Dean at the School of Public Affairs at American University in Washington, DC, commented on the critical issues on the horizon. Read their speeches below from the recent event at the David Rockefeller Center for Latin American Studies at Harvard University.
Latin America Policy in the Next Two Years: The Obama Administration and the New Congress
Congressman James P. McGovern [D-MA]
Comments by Geoff Thale, Program Director, Washington Office on Latin America
Comments by William LeoGrande, Dean, School of Public Affairs, American University