WOLA: Advocacy for Human Rights in the Americas
10 Sep 2011 | | News

Tackling Violence in Mexico


WOLA is pleased to present “At the Root of the Violence,” the English translation of an article by Eduardo Guerrero Gutiérrez that was originally published in Spanish in the June 2011 edition of the Mexican magazine Nexos.

We believe that Guerrero’s article deserves as wide an audience as possible. The author makes a compelling case for shifting to a strategy of “deterrence” to reduce the horrific violence that has been spreading in Mexico. Guerrero contends:

“The [Mexican government’s] punitive strategy shows clear signs of having run its course. The current saturation of the federal security forces, dispersed on several fronts, has ended up diminishing their effectiveness. This has driven the authorities to operate with greater brutality and less precision, increasing the deaths of innocent persons and eroding the reputation of the federal security forces in the eyes of public opinion.”
“In response to this situation, there is a need to reformulate the strategy and gear it toward reducing the violence, which implies selectively dismantling the organizations based on the criteria of the harm they cause society. Such a strategy would be focused on pursuing the most violent organizations sequentially, with the idea of discouraging the others from engaging in this type of conduct.”
We hope that you find Guerrero’s analysis and proposals valuable, and that you will share the article widely. As ever, we welcome your comments.
John Walsh
Senior Associate for Drug Policy
Maureen Meyer
Senior Associate for Mexico and Central America

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