WOLA: Advocacy for Human Rights in the Americas
17 Aug 2016 | Video

U.S-Colombia Labor Action Plan: Progress or Unfulfilled Promises in the Wake of Post-Conflict Period

In 2011, the United States and Colombia launched the Labor Action Plan, a framework of commitments negotiated between the two governments to better protect worker rights, prevent violence against unionists, and punish the perpetrators of that violence. Despite progress in some areas, reports by groups such as the nongovernmental organization National Labor School (ENS), prove that the plan has not been fully implemented and that none of the 37 agreed measures on 10 areas have been enacted.

Following the peace accords, Colombia will need a deep political and cultural change that allows society to resolve conflicts in a peaceful and constructive ways. Respect for labor rights and the Labor Action Plan must play a role in the post-conflict scenario.

Please join us as Senator Lopez Maya addresses the status of the LAP and the way forward as Colombia approaches post-conflict, He will be joined by members from SINTRACIHOBI a union for community childcare workers, affected by the lack of adequate implementation of public policies for labor protection and violence prevention.

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