WOLA: Advocacy for Human Rights in the Americas
26 Sep 2012 | Video

VOA Covers WOLA’s Event on Peace in Colombia

Voice of America produced a short two-minute video on the peace process (Spanish only), featuring commentary from WOLA experts and former Colombian president Alvaro Uribe. The coverage was part of the event "Peace at Last? Prospects for Peace in the FARC-Colombia Talks" on September 25. The event included commentary from WOLA Senior Associates Gimena Sanchez-Garzoli and Adam Isacson, as well as Georgetown Professor Marc Chernick and United States Institute of Peace Program Officer for Latin America Virginia M. Bouvier. Drawing from past negotiations in Colombia and throughout Latin America, the panelists described the opportunities and challenges the current peace negotiations will face going forward.

Filmed by Voice of America at WOLA on September 25, 2012.

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