WOLA: Advocacy for Human Rights in the Americas
21 Mar 2013 | Commentary | News

Will You Support Peace in Colombia?

Colombia is in the midst of historic negotiations to end its bloody internal armed conflict. Despite some obstacles, there is reason to believe the peace talks between the Colombian government and the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) can end Latin America’s longest conflict. Yet the mere existence of talks—monumental as they are—does not guarantee peace in Colombia. A lasting peace will require international pressure to reach an agreement at the table, and most importantly, implement that agreement on the ground.

Will you ask your Congressional representative to sign a Dear Colleague letter supporting the peace process? The United States will have an important role to play in helping to implement an eventual peace agreement that extends to the most isolated—and historically marginalized—regions of Colombia. Please click here to find out how to contact your representative.

To read the full text of the letter, please click here.

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