WOLA: Advocacy for Human Rights in the Americas
7 Abr 2016 | Noticias

President Obama’s Historic Trip To Cuba and Argentina

President Obama is making a historic visit to Cuba on March 20-22. During the visit he is expected to discuss updating U.S.-Cuba relations for the 21st century. The president may also address the ongoing Colombian peace talks in Havana amid hopes that a bilateral ceasefire might be established soon. After Cuba, the president will travel on to Argentina to meet with the administration of the newly-elected President Mauricio Macri.

The Washington Office on Latin America (WOLA) is a leading research and advocacy organization advancing human rights in the Americas, and has advocated for the normalization of U.S.-Cuba relations for the last 20 years. WOLA Senior Associate Marc Hanson will be in Havana during the visit. He can be reached at (011) 53 05 847 1655, or at press@wola.org.

Ahead of the trip, WOLA has produced a series of resources on the wide range of issues at play, including:

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