WOLA: Advocacy for Human Rights in the Americas

Feeding the Fire: How Prohibition and the Drug War Fuel Corruption and Organized Crime in Latin America

10:30 AM EST Wednesday, 9 February 2022

The Washington Office on Latin America (WOLA) cordially invites you to a discussion of the relationship between drug prohibition, corruption and organized crime, the fifth installment of our series Decades of Damage Done: the Drug War Catastrophe in Latin America and the Caribbean

Far from achieving a ‘drug-free world,’ decades of intense global commitment to prohibition and the ‘war on drugs’ have instead witnessed vast growth in the scale and the harms of illegal drug markets. For those willing to operate outside the law, illegal drug market participation can be enormously lucrative, generating immense profits that enhance the power of criminal enterprises to wield violence and to intimidate, corrupt and infiltrate state institutions. In Latin America, prohibition has provided dependable fuel for organized crime and corruption, generating an incalculable toll of bloodshed and undermining the rule of law and democratic institutions.

Please join WOLA for the fifth installment in a six-part webinar series examining the consequences of prohibition and the drug war for Latin America and the Caribbean, and identifying alternative approaches consistent with protecting human rights, promoting public health and security, and achieving social justice.


Event Details:

Wednesday, February 9, 2022

10:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.



Ricardo Vargas Meza

Sociologist & Researcher

Corporación Viso Mutop & Transnational Institute


Julie Lopez

Investigative Journalist


Romain Le Cour Grandmaison

Program Director for Security and Violence Reduction

México Evalúa



Maureen Meyer

Vice President for Programs, WOLA


Simultaneous live interpretation will only be available through Zoom. This event will be live streamed via the WOLA YouTube page

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