Join WOLA, Amnesty International, and Earth Rights for a discussion on the Escazú Agreement, signed by 24 Latin American and Caribbean countries in March 2018 and meant to guarantee appropriate measures to prevent, investigate and punish attacks and threats against environmental activists. The discussion will be followed by a short reception.
6:00 p.m – 8:00 p.m. EDT
Tuesday, June 5, 2018
The Washington Office on Latin America
1666 Connecticut Ave NW, Suite 400, Washington D.C. 20001
The event will be in Spanish. Simultaneous translation will be available.
- Welcoming Remarks
- Situation of defenders of the Cauca river in Colombia: An example of the urgency of a binding agreement
- Isabel Zuleta – Activista del Movimiento Ríos Vivos
- The general situation of environmental defenders in the Americas
- Érika Guevara-Rosas – Director for the Americas, Amnesty International
- The importance of the Escazú agreement for the protection of defenders in the Americas
- Juliana Bravo Valencia – Amazon Program Director, Earth Rights International
- The joint mechanism of protection of the IACHR – UN in the Escazú Agreement
- Q&A Section moderated by Gimena Sanchez, Director for the Andes, WOLA