On the 5th and 6th of October government officials, civil society members, academics, and members of the public will convene in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic at the VI Latin American and the I Caribbean Conference on Drug Policy. Participants will attend panels, events, and discussions on regional drug policy issues. Panel topics include “Drug Policy and the Right to Justice”, “Advances toward Regulated Cannabis”, “Sustainable Development Goals and Human Rights in Drug Policy”, and “Public Health and Harm Reduction Strategies in Latin America”. There will also be two roundtable discussions on the post-UNGASS international drug policy debate, and on drug related violence reduction strategies. Various side events will also be hosted by civil society organizations, many of which will be open to participants.
For more information click here
Dates: October 5 & 6, 2016
Location: Crowne Plaza Hotel, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic
***Francis Taylor, a staff member of COIN and an organizer of the conference, sadly passed away unexpectedly in August. To read a statement from CONFEDROGAS, click here.