The families of the more than 80,000 disappeared people in Mexico live each day with the profound pain and injustice of a human rights crisis that continues. These same families have become one of the main sources of transformation, learning, and hope during this crisis. Faced with negligence by authorities, it has been the families, especially women, who have led the search for their loved ones.
Volverte a Ver (Amate Films, 2020), the award-winning documentary directed by Carolina Corral Paredes, follows a group of women who learn forensic procedures in order to participate in the exhumation of hundreds of unidentified bodies, buried by Morelos state authorities in two mass graves. These women’s stories—and their quest to identify people who may be disappearance victims sought by many families—show the challenges and contributions of forensic work in Mexico, one of the many aspects of the searches carried out by family members and collectives across the country.
Join us for a virtual screening of the documentary on Thursday, July 22 at 7 p.m. EDT / 6 p.m. CDMX. After the film, one of the protagonists, Angélica Rodríguez Monroy (of Regresando a Casa Morelos), along with director Carolina Corral Paredes and impact producer Merle Iliná, will answer questions about the documentary, progress made and work yet to be done in the mass graves, and how to support the search.
Event Details:
Thursday, July 22, 2021
7:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. EDT
6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. CDMX
The film has English subtitles. For the question and answer session, there will be simultaneous interpretation between English and Spanish, available exclusively through Zoom.
Angélica Rodríguez Monroy
Regresando a Casa Morelos
Carolina Corral Paredes
Director, Volverte a Ver
Merle Iliná
Impact Producer, Amate Films
Director for Mexico and Migrant Rights, WOLA