WOLA: Advocacy for Human Rights in the Americas

Facing the 21st Century: Challenges and Strategies for the Latin American Human Rights Community

The initial ideas that led IDL and WOLA to jointly propose this conference and
that guided its organization, together with the opening panel discussion, are not
introductory in the usual sense. Indeed, they are the result of profound analysis of the swiftly shifting currents in the global context and the challenges facing the human rights community – analysis based on the considerable accumulated experience of the groups represented on the opening panel. Similarly, it would be misleading to call the thoughts that emerged from the conference “conclusions.” Rather, they are largely reflections on the changing identity of the human rights movement and on the new challenges that the movement faces. These reflections, which will guide the work of the movement in the period ahead, beckon for sustained discussion and debate, within and between organizations, in future gatherings to further the conversations started in Lima.

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