WOLA: Advocacy for Human Rights in the Americas

New Report on Violence and Judicial Corruption in Central America

Pierre Frühling, development expert with extensive diplomatic and consulting experience in Central America, has recently released a report entitled: Violence, Judicial Corruption, and Fragile Democracies: Reflections on the current situation in Central America.  It is currently available through its Guatemalan publisher, F&G Editores.

As we reach a decade since the peace accords in Central America, a good number of the Central American countries once again face a crisis in the form of violence, organized crime, and judicial decay that affect the citizenry. At the same time, the situation shows the lack of real progress in the creation of a functional democratic system.

What is in play today in the region is nothing less than the continued existence of fragile democratic systems that have only just been constructed.  As a case study in this phenomenon, Frühling focuses on Guatemala, one of the most affected countries.

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