Austin Robles is Assistant Director for Central America at WOLA, where he supports the program’s research, analysis, and advocacy efforts. He assists the Director for Citizen Security to oversee the Central America Monitor, which seeks to ensure that U.S. assistance is strategically targeted, wisely invested and properly implemented, and that the governments of Central America are doing their part to meet key progress indicators for accountability and reform.
Prior to joining WOLA, Austin spent six years as part of the National Democratic Institute’s (NDI) Latin America and Caribbean team working to improve democratic governance in the region. At NDI, he managed programs on electoral observation and reform, political party and parliamentary modernization, peace and reconciliation, and citizen participation and inclusion across the region. Prior to NDI, Austin co-led Witness for Peace’s Colombian human rights advocacy initiatives from its Bogotá-based office. He also managed youth development and education programs with Global Glimpse in Nicaragua and Organización Guaruma in Honduras.
Austin graduated from the University of Mary Washington with B.A. degrees in International Affairs, Political Science, and Spanish. He also holds a graduate certificate in Peace and Conflict Studies from the United Nations-mandated University for Peace.