Crisis and Opportunity: Unraveling Colombia’s Collapsing Coca Markets
Download this report in PDF format. The market in Colombia for coca, the plant whose leaves can be used to…
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Download this report in PDF format. The market in Colombia for coca, the plant whose leaves can be used to…
Monday 12th June 2023 Dear Secretary General Guterres, We are writing to urge you to mark this year’s International Day…
Around the world, the number of women behind bars continues to grow. The just-released fifth edition of the World Female…
Washington, D.C.—On March 5, the United States and Colombian governments reaffirmed a bilateral agenda aimed at halving the cultivation and…
Across Latin America, women who grow coca and opium poppy often play a major role in fighting for social change…
On February 10, the Colombian government said it planned to eradicate 130,000 hectares of coca this year, using techniques that…
For decades, a prohibitionist approach to drug policy has been a key driver of social strife and human rights abuses,…
Colombia’s Constitutional Court met today to discuss the government’s plans to reinstate aerial spraying of coca, the plant used to…
On September 12, the U.S. Senate Caucus on International Narcotics Control held a hearing on Colombia’s counternarcotics efforts. Here’s a…
In the vast areas of Colombia’s countryside where evidence of government is scarce, you can see the bright green bushes…
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