Trabaje con WOLA

Forme parte de nuestro equipo de dedicadas personas defensoras de los derechos humanos, activistas sociales y líderes que trabajan cada día para lograr un cambio en América Latina.

Bilingual Communications Assistant

This is an entry-level, administrative role. The selected candidate will provide support across the communications team. The standard daily tasks include coordinating digital content flow and uploading information to our digital platforms, supporting events, translating documents, monitoring digital platforms, and working with the team to complete other tasks.

Bilingual Communications

This is an entry-level, administrative role. The selected candidate will provide support across the communications team. The standard daily tasks include coordinating digital content flow and uploading information to our digital platforms, supporting events, translating documents, monitoring digital platforms, and working with the team to complete other tasks.

Bilingual Communications Assistant

This is an entry-level, administrative role. The selected candidate will provide support across the communications team. The standard daily tasks include coordinating digital content flow and uploading information to our digital

WOLA valora un ambiente de trabajo diverso y alienta a personas de grupos minoritarios a postularse. WOLA es un empleador que ofrece igualdad de oportunidades y no discrimina por motivos de raza, credo, nacionalidad, sexo, edad, discapacidad, estado civil, orientación sexual, antecedentes penales o estado de cuidador.

Actualmente no hay puestos vacantes en WOLA.

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