El Salvador
The Central America Monitor presents robust quantitative data primarily obtained through official information requests in several key areas. These data assess advances, setbacks, or stalling on specific human rights and rule of law issues from 2014 to 2022. Below, start by viewing the data regionally or clicking on a country. Then, select a section. Under each section, select a specific indicator to explore the corresponding data points. You may also download the raw data or share the graphics.
- Violencia
- 3.2 Sistema de Justicia
- Corrupción
- 3.6 Información general
- 3.4 Fuerzas Armadas (FFAA)
- 3.5 Policia Nacional Civil (PNC)
El Salvador has high levels of inequality and poverty. In this section, we display its socioeconomic situation as background for all subsequent sections. We aim to provide broad centralized and reliable data that can serve as a starting point for further investigation. As such, we decided to include disaggregated data only when immediately relevant to the sections we monitor.
Sources: General Directorate of Statistics and Censuses; United Nations Population Fund; Latin American and Caribbean Demographic Centre, Publication Division of ECLAC.
Sources: General Directorate of Statistics and Censuses; United Nations Population Fund; Latin American and Caribbean Demographic Centre, Publication Division of ECLAC.
Sources: General Directorate of Statistics and Censuses; United Nations Population Fund; Latin American and Caribbean Demographic Centre, Publication Division of ECLAC.
Sources: General Directorate of Statistics and Censuses; United Nations Population Fund; Latin American and Caribbean Demographic Centre, Publication Division of ECLAC.
Sources: General Directorate of Statistics and Censuses; United Nations Population Fund; Latin American and Caribbean Demographic Centre, Publication Division of ECLAC.
Sources: General Directorate of Statistics and Censuses; United Nations Population Fund; Latin American and Caribbean Demographic Centre, Publication Division of ECLAC.
Sources: General Directorate of Statistics and Censuses; United Nations Population Fund; Latin American and Caribbean Demographic Centre, Publication Division of ECLAC.
Sources: General Directorate of Statistics and Censuses; United Nations Population Fund; Latin American and Caribbean Demographic Centre, Publication Division of ECLAC.
Sources: General Directorate of Statistics and Censuses; United Nations Population Fund; Latin American and Caribbean Demographic Centre, Publication Division of ECLAC.
Sources: General Directorate of Statistics and Censuses; United Nations Population Fund; Latin American and Caribbean Demographic Centre, Publication Division of ECLAC.
Sources: General Directorate of Statistics and Censuses; United Nations Population Fund; Latin American and Caribbean Demographic Centre, Publication Division of ECLAC.
Sources: General Directorate of Statistics and Censuses; United Nations Population Fund; Latin American and Caribbean Demographic Centre, Publication Division of ECLAC.
Para brindar un contexto nacional a otras secciones y un punto de partida para comparaciones con países fuera de la región, mostramos los datos globales de todos los delitos, presupuestos y personal para las tres subsecciones siguientes. Para cada subsección, incluimos el presupuesto total aprobado, el personal total y el personal relevante total desagregado por género y raza/etnia.
- Presupuesto en dolares (linea) Presupuesto del FGR como porcentaje del presupuesto total de gobierno (linea) Total de emplead@s de la FGR por cargo (#) Total de emplead@s de la FGR por cargo (%) Tasa de total de emplead@s de la FGR por 100,000 (linea) Tasa de fiscales por 100,000 (linea) Ejecución de la capacidad fiscal (numeros - linea) Ejecución de casos ingresados al FGR (porcentaje - barra)
- Presupuesto en dolares (linea) Presupuesto del OJ como porcentaje del presupuesto total de gobierno (linea) Total de emplead@s del OJ por cargo (#) Total de emplead@s del OJ por cargo (%) Tasa de total de emplead@s del OJ por 100,000 (linea) Tasa de jueces y magistrad@s por 100,000 (linea) Casos ingresados al Organismo Judicial (numeros - linea) Trayectoria en el sistema de justicia completo (porcentaje - area) Trayectoria al dentro del Organismo Judicial (porcentaje - area)
- Presupuesto en dolares (linea) Presupuesto de la PGR como porcentaje del presupuesto total de gobierno (linea) Total de emplead@s de la PGR por cargo (#) Total de emplead@s de la PGR por cargo (%) Tasa de Defensa Publica por 100,000 (linea) Tasa de defensores publicos por 100,000 (linea)
In real/nominal terms, the budget for the Attorney General’s Office of the Republic grew each year from approximately $44.6 million to $113.4 million. Of the three institutions we monitor within the justice system, the FGR received the second largest share of the total national budget every year. It ranged between 0.93 and 1.49 percent of the total national budget from 2014 to 2022.
El Salvador has high levels of inequality and poverty. In this section, we display its socioeconomic situation as background for all subsequent sections. We aim to provide broad centralized and reliable data that can serve as a starting point for further investigation. As such, we decided to include disaggregated data only when immediately relevant to the sections we monitor.
El Salvador has high levels of inequality and poverty. In this section, we display its socioeconomic situation as background for all subsequent sections. We aim to provide broad centralized and reliable data that can serve as a starting point for further investigation. As such, we decided to include disaggregated data only when immediately relevant to the sections we monitor.
- Población total en números, desagregado por sexo Población por sexo en porcentaje Proporción de personas femeninas a personas masculinas Población total en números, desagregado por rural y urbano Población por rural y urbano en porcentaje Densidad poblacional (personas por km2)
El Salvador has high levels of inequality and poverty. In this section, we display its socioeconomic situation as background for all subsequent sections. We aim to provide broad centralized and reliable data that can serve as a starting point for further investigation. As such, we decided to include disaggregated data only when immediately relevant to the sections we monitor.
El Salvador has high levels of inequality and poverty. In this section, we display its socioeconomic situation as background for all subsequent sections. We aim to provide broad centralized and reliable data that can serve as a starting point for further investigation. As such, we decided to include disaggregated data only when immediately relevant to the sections we monitor.
Our Partners
WOLA is working in collaboration with the following organizations in Central America:
Myrna Mack Foundation Guatemala |
Instituto Universitario en Democracia, Paz y Libertad Honduras |
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Honduras Honduras |
Instituto Universitario de Opinión Pública El Salvador |