Advocacy for Human Rights:
WOLA’s Lasting Impact

We advocate for human rights across the Americas!

Connecting human rights defenders, social justice advocates, and civil society in Latin America with Washington for over 50 years.

What We Do

We create a lasting impact for human rights through advocacy efforts in Washington and throughout Latin America

Behind the scenes:
WOLA influences U.S. policy

Restoring Colombia aid in congressional appropriations

After the House of Representatives deferred all aid to Colombia, WOLA worked to restore robust funding in the Senate.

Responding to Peru’s repression of protests

As the country faced political turmoil, WOLA met directly with the Peruvian embassy, gathered U.S. Congressional support, and pressed Secretary of State Antony Blinken to speak out for human rights accountability.

Countering authoritarian trends in El Salvador

In response to mass detentions and denial of due process, President Bukele’s defiance of the constitutional ban on running for reelection, and other actions undermining democratic values, WOLA pushed back against the U.S. government’s tendency to embrace Bukele with a range of public and private activities, including hosting delegations of human rights defenders from El Salvador for special briefings with the State Department, NSC, the OAS and congressional o ices.

Redirecting U.S. policy toward Venezuela

WOLA held over 45 private briefings with U.S. policymakers leading up to the Barbados Agreement where Maduro pledged with the Unitary Platform to meet key electoral conditions; as a result of the agreement the United States eased some sanctions. Leaders of the House and Senate Western Hemisphere subcommi ees subsequently released a statement welcoming these developments.

Briefing key Members of Congress to stop the Force Act against Cuba

WOLA raised concerns about the introduction of a bill that seeks to prevent the President from removing Cuba from the State Sponsor of Terrorism List.

Recommending detailed reforms for accountability to the U.S. Department of Homeland Security

WOLA held dozens of meetings with U.S. o icials and congressional staff to outline specific, achievable reforms to curtail abuses of migrants by U.S. officials at the U.S.-Mexico-border.

Focusing U.S. assistance on Afro-Colombian and Indigenous communities in Colombia

As a result of our long-term work with partners, and ongoing dialogues with U.S. officials, support for the Ethnic Chapter of Colombia’s peace accords has become a central part of USAID assistance.

Building support for an international commission against impunity in Honduras

WOLA engaged key U.S. Senators to express support with the State Department for the establishment of the anti-corruption commission

Our Priorities

WOLA responds to the changing dynamics in United States policy and in Latin America. Over the years, WOLA evolved from raising awareness of human rights violations to also providing critical research and policy analysis. We have become a leading human rights advocacy organization by effectively combining strong ties to the region with strategic connections to U.S. and international policymakers. WOLA cooperates with a diverse array of human rights defenders, social justice advocates, and civil society organizations. Through WOLA’s work in Washington and in Latin America, we collaborate in developing strategies to amplify these voices and propose effective policy solutions. 

Today WOLA addresses contemporary human rights challenges with research, advocacy and strategic initiatives in these priority areas:

Annual Report

Tracking Lasting Impact

Explore WOLA’s annual report to see our impact in advancing human rights through policy analysis, partnership-building, and strategic advocacy. Our reports highlight achievements, challenges, and the progress we’ve made in shaping policies that protect human rights.

Take action now

Support WOLA’s mission to uphold human rights through advocacy and research and make a lasting impact on human rights in the Americas.

Join the conversation on how to advance human rights, promote social justice, and defend democracy throughout the Americas. Let’s join our efforts to ensure a future where justice prevails.