Six years after the magnitude 7.0 earthquake struck Haiti on January 12, 2010, Haiti has shifted from recovery efforts to longer term development as it seeks to improve infrastructure, strengthen institutions, and establish political stability.
[bctt tweet=”Recent political upheaval has left Haiti in disarray. Listen to the story.” username=”WOLA_org”]
Recent political upheaval has left Haiti in disarray. Former President Michel Martelly ended his constitutional mandate on Feb. 7 without an elected successor, as the elections that were intended to choose the next executive were nullified due to violence and accusations of fraud. Lawmakers chose Senate chief Jocelerme Privert to lead a caretaker government. Privert was mainly tasked with the organization of a new provisional government, and the finalization of the presidential, parliamentarian and municipal elections. However, few of these objectives were met, and now that Privert’s 120-day mandate has expired, he has refused to vacate the office, citing his responsibility to ensure institutional stability as well as Senate and Presidential elections take place on October 9.
In this podcast Adam Isacson, Senior Associate for Defense Oversight, talks to Jean-Claude Fignole, who works with Oxfam in Haiti, about the current political impasse and how a return to the country’s constitutional principles offers a long-term way out.
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