WOLA: Advocacy for Human Rights in the Americas
28 May 2010 | Publication

Waiting for Change: Trends in U.S. Security Assistance to Latin America and the Caribbean

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The Washington Office on Latin America (WOLA) is pleased to share our newest publication, “Waiting for Change.

Documenting the complexities and disappointments of the Obama Administration’s relations with Latin America in its first year, the report focuses on U.S. military relationships with the region. It recognizes that an underlying trend toward greater militarization of U.S. foreign policy spans Democratic and Republican administrations alike.

The report offers recommendations for a better path forward, calling for a renewed focus on diplomatic engagement, less emphasis on military-to-military ties, and greater transparency and consultation about U.S. military intentions with the region.

“Waiting for Change” is the most recent publication by Just the Facts, a joint project of the Latin America Working Group Education Fund, the Center for International Policy, and WOLA. It is the latest in a series of reports documenting trends in U.S. security assistance to Latin America and the Caribbean.

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