A Dangerous Journey through Mexico: Human Rights Violations against Migrants in Transit

A Dangerous Journey through Mexico: Human Rights Violations against Migrants in Transit



The August 2010 massacre of 72 migrants in Tamaulipas, Mexico was not an isolated event but rather an alarming example of the daily abuses suffered by migrants in transit in the country, concludes a report published today by the Washington Office on Latin America (WOLA) and the Miguel Agustin Pro Juarez Human Rights Center (Center Prodh).

The report, A Dangerous Journey Through Mexico: Human Rights Violations Against Migrants in Transit, documents how migrants, primarily Central Americans, are often beaten, extorted, sexually abused, and/or kidnapped by criminal groups while they travel through Mexico on their way to the United States. It discusses the failure of the Mexican government to protect migrants in transit and the direct participation or acquiescence of Mexican authorities in several cases of abuse.  Drawing from work of migrants’ rights organizations, the report includes testimonies of three migrants who were kidnapped by criminal groups in Mexico.
