Far Worse than Watergate reveals that the Watergate-like scandal in Colombia is even more shocking than initially reported, with the presidential intelligence agency, DAS, not only spying, but also carrying out dirty tricks and even death threats on major players in Colombia’s democracy. Far Worse than Watergate, a new report by the Washington Office on Latin America, US Office on Colombia, Latin America Working Group, and the Center for International Policy, reveals that the Watergate-like scandal in Colombia is even more shocking than initially reported, with the presidential intelligence agency, DAS, not only spying, but also carrying out dirty tricks and even death threats on major players in Colombia’s democracy. Research in the report indicates that operations did not target alleged terrorists, but rather people carrying out legitimate, democratic activities, including: the Supreme Court and Constitutional Court judges, presidential candidates, journalists, publishers, the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights, the United Nations and human rights defenders in Colombia, the United States and Europe. The report also details new evidence that shows that this illegal activity may have been carried out with orders from top presidential advisors.
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