Both Americans and Cuban Americans exhibit diverse opinions on a wide range of issues related to US-Cuba relations. For more information, please see the following public opinion polls.
Florida International University (FIU) Poll
- The majority of Cuban Americans (55.2 percent) support unrestricted travel to Cuba
- Poll finds that 65 of Cuban Americans support dialogue with the Cuban government
Associated Press Poll (February 2007) Reports that a majority of Americans favor re-establishment of diplomatic ties with Cuba
Gallup World Poll (February 2007) in Cuba measures Cuban attitudes toward their government February 2007
Gallup Poll (December 2006) Says 2 out of 3 Americans favor diplomatic ties with Cuba
Pew Hispanic Center Poll on Cubans in the United States. (August 2006)
General information about Cubans living in the United States and their attitudes.
Poll of Cuban American vs. Non-Cuban American Attitudes on a variety of topics
Poll Shows Erosion of Support for Cuba Policy
(commissioned by the William C. Velazsquez Institute, July 2004)
- For an analysis of the full results, click here
Ending the Embargo Poll: Various polls concerning ending the embargo and establishing diplomatic ties:
Photo by innoxiuss via Flickr Creative Commons.