H.Res. 426 recognizing 2007 as the Year of Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) in Colombia passed the House Foreign Affairs Committee on June 26 and is expected to be voted on by the full House on July 11. The resolution encourages an increase in U.S. humanitarian aid to Colombia for assistance and protection of IDPs.
H.Res. 426 recognizing 2007 as the Year of Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) in Colombia passed the House Foreign Affairs Committee on June 26 and is expected to be voted on by the full House on July 11. The resolution encourages an increase in U.S. humanitarian aid to Colombia for assistance and protection of IDPs.
H.Res. 426, introduced by Rep. Jim McGovern, Democrat of Massachusetts, and co-sponsored by 42 other representatives, expresses the sense of the House that the U.S. government should increase resources for emergency humanitarian assistance and protection for Colombia’s IDPs through international and civilian government agencies and assist those people “in rebuilding their lives in a dignified, safe, and sustainable manner.”
WOLA supports this resolution and encourages its passage by the full House. The text can be read by clicking the link below.
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