WOLA: Advocacy for Human Rights in the Americas
28 Jul 2009 | News

WOLA Applauds Increase in U.S. Pressure on De Facto Regime in Honduras

The Washington Office on Latin America (WOLA) applauds the U.S. Department of State’s decision today to review and in some cases revoke the diplomatic visas of individuals and their family members who are linked to the de facto regime in Honduras.

“The U.S. is conveying that it will not accept the coup d’etat that took place in Honduras,” said Joy Olson, WOLA’s Executive Director. “The unwillingness of the Micheletti de facto government to agree to the San Jose Accords proposed by Costa Rican President Arias and bring the conflict to a successful closure leaves the United States no option but to impose tougher sanctions.”

WOLA understands that the Administration put a hold on the outstanding $19 million Millennium Challenge Account funds (MCC). MCC funding is contingent on a recipient government’s compliance with certain indicators such as civil liberties, political rights, and democratic processes.

In addition to the four visas that have been revoked so far, WOLA is calling on the State Department to expand the canceling of visas for members of the de facto government and their families, and to freeze their assets held in the US.

In a further push against the Micheletti regime, today Adidas, Nike, Gap, and Knights Apparel sent a letter to Secretary Hillary Clinton expressing concern about the deteriorating situation of human rights and civil liberties and calling for the restoration of democracy in Honduras.



Vicki Gass, Senior Associate on Rights and Development, vgass@wola.org

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