WOLA: Advocacy for Human Rights in the Americas
15 Mar 2024 | News

Urgent Action: Current Human Rights and Security Concerns in Colombia

Dear all,

Below you will find the security, human rights, and humanitarian cases brought to WOLA’s attention for our intervention from January 15 until March 1, 2024. We remain extremely concerned about the safety and well-being of the members of the investigative news outlet La Nueva Prensa. Aside from ongoing death threats, it is the target of false legal claims. Between February 1 and March 1, 2024, it received at least 26 legal claims. Many of these are questionable allegations and spurious charges meant to bankrupt and block the organization from doing its work.

We also take this opportunity to urge U.S. policymakers to support continuing the human rights conditions on military and police aid included in the Senate. These conditions are necessary to encourage improvements in respect for human rights by the Colombian security forces and have been in legislation in some form since FY 2000. These conditions have helped to stop horrific abuses from taking place and have saved the lives of many at risk.

The State Department, Embassy, and other government officials should bring these cases to the attention of Colombian officials. Colombia should be urged to take action to protect the social leaders at risk, investigate and prosecute those responsible for the threats, attacks, and killings of social leaders, and respond to the security and humanitarian situations listed in this document.

To view the entire document, please click here.

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