Held in September 2003, this conference focused on how the rural sector should be addressed within the context of development policy debates. WOLA director, Joy Olson provided the opening remarks. To access a transcript of the conference, please use the link below.
Held in September 2003, this conference focused on how the rural sector should be addressed within the context of development policy debates. WOLA director, Joy Olson provided the opening remarks.
Panel Discussions included the following:
Panel 1: Why the Rural Sector matters in the context of Trade and Development.
Panel 2: The Impact of Free Trade on the Rural Sector
Panel 3: Trade, Integration and the Rural Sector: Alternative Visions from Brazil, Central American and the U.S.
SPONSORS of the conference included: Action Aid, American Friends Service Committee, Catholic Relief Services, Centre for Development and Population Activities, Center of Concern/U.S. Gender and Trade Network, Inter-Action, Latin America Working Group Education Fund, Lutheran World Relief, Oxfam America, SHARE Foundation, Washington Office on Latin America, World Neighbors, and World Vision
Download the transcript.