WOLA: Advocacy for Human Rights in the Americas

Reports on Women, Drug Policies and Incarceration

Groundbreaking research is showing how drug laws harm women and their families.

Equis: Justice for Women outlines legislative reforms to protect Mexican women incarcerated on drug charges
In a report, Equis: Justice for women presents a series of legislation-ready recommendations to incorporate a gender perspective in drug policies.

The exceptional situation of women incarcerated for drug-related offences
report by Articulación Feminista highlights how deprivation of liberty for drug offenses affects women in Colombia, Mexico, and Chile.

The Incarceration of Women for Drug Offenses
A report from the Research Consortium on Drugs and the Law (CEDD) offers a regional analysis of female prison populations.

The Invisible Victims of Latin America’s Incarceration Crisis
According to a report from Church World Service, the negative impacts of incarceration extend to children of imprisoned parents.

Women and Drugs in the Americas: A Policy Working Paper
This OAS report compiles analysis of different approaches to women and drug policy in the region.

Women, drug offenses and penitentiary systems in Latin America
In this seminal 2013 paper, Working Group member Corina Giacomello outlines the effects drug laws and penitentiary systems have on women in Latin America.

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