WOLA: Advocacy for Human Rights in the Americas
23 May 2019 | News

Faith Leaders Urge President Trump to Reconsider Punitive Cuba Policies

Nearly two dozen faith leaders in the United States have asked President Trump to retain unrestricted religious travel to Cuba, while also expressing concern over how the administration’s dramatic shift in policy could hurt Cuban faith communities.

“Measures that would limit the ability of U.S. people of faith to visit with and support their colleagues and partners in Cuba will be detrimental to the well-being and growth of the religious sphere in Cuba,” the letter states.

The Trump administration announced in late April that it would expand restrictions on remittances and non-family travel to Cuba (although details have not yet been released). The administration hinted that it would implement changes that would make U.S. travel to Cuba difficult for a wide range of travelers.  

“Whatever one’s views may be on U.S. policy toward Cuba, we hope that all can agree that unrestricted religious travel is worthy of full support,” the letter says.

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