Cuba is allowing more space for the private sector, but many find the pace of reforms frustrating.
Cuba is at an exciting moment–it has a growing private sector, tourism is at an all-time high, and it has restored relations with the United States after a 55-year freeze. The country has been on a trajectory of change–but how different is it?
This is the first podcast in a three-part series about Cuba that WOLA will be putting out over the next few weeks. The next episode will look at access to information, civil society and political debate and the final will delve into the role and dynamics of U.S. policy.
In this episode of Latin America Today, the WOLA podcast, Senior Associate Adam Isacson and Program Officer Sarah Kinosian explore Cuba’s new reality and discuss the country’s halting moves to attract foreign investment and allow a greater role for the private sector. So far, Cubans are getting mixed messages as the government decides how quickly it wants – or is able – to change. In the meantime expectations are high, and some, particularly in the younger generation, are unhappy with the slow pace of reform.
This podcast features excerpts of interviews with:
- WOLA Senior Associate Marc Hanson,
- Julio Guanche of Cuba Posible,
- Bill LeoGrande of American University,
- Cuban student Enrique Pozo, and
- “Edgar,” a Havana restaurateur.
Download 27-06-2014 (13.3 MB)
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