WOLA: Advocacy for Human Rights in the Americas
2 Aug 2023 |

Glossary: Abuses at the U.S.- Mexico Border: How To Address Failures and Protect Rights


Acronym Term
ACLU American Civil Liberties Union
BP Border Patrol
BORTAC Border Patrol Tactical Unit
BPCIT Border Patrol Critical Incident Teams
CBP Customs and Border Protection
CRCL Office of Civil Rights and Civil Liberties
DHS Department of Homeland Security
GAO Government Accountability Office
ICE Immigration and Customs Enforcement
JIC Joint Intake Center
KBI Kino Border Initiative
LGBTQ Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer
LUFRB Local Use of Force Review Board
NETWORK NETWORK Lobby for Catholic Social Justice
NBPC National Border Patrol Council
NUFRB National Use of Force Review Board
OIDO Office of the Immigration Detention Ombudsman
OIG Office of the Inspector General
OPR Office of Professional Responsibility
POGO Project on Government Oversight
WOLA Washington Office on Latin America


This report was made possible, and tremendously improved, by editing, design, research, communications, and content contributions from Kathy Gille, Joanna Williams, Ana Lucía Verduzco, Zaida Márquez, Sergio Ortiz Borbolla, Milli Legrain, and Felipe Puerta Cuartas. We could not do this work without the generosity of our supporters; please become one of them.

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